an interesting and familiar experience in a chess game
It was such an interesting experience to find myself in a losing position in my chess game with my Dad tonight. I was assessing my options, and all I could see, through all the different [...]
It was such an interesting experience to find myself in a losing position in my chess game with my Dad tonight. I was assessing my options, and all I could see, through all the different [...]
I spoke to a psychologist friend of mine today. Two things came out of the conversation. The first is that it is hard on my soul to be 'friends with a psychologist', despite the fact [...]
It has been a harder landing than usual, coming out of this latest psychosis. It has left me with a lot of sadness this time. I am grieving the person I was in person when [...]
Is there something else that can be used to treat my psychotic disorder?! Because THIS is CRAP!! As far as mental environments go, I am not sure I have ever felt quite so bad. Maybe [...]
Climb back into my shell I suppose. My mum misses the way I would call all the time, I miss reaching out to my dad, to my brother, to my friends. If my financial infrastructure [...]
Landing hard tonight. And notice that I am emotionally isolated from the people in my world again. I don't know what is worse - feeling distant from people and the world, or the chaos, the [...]
I realised something quite profound today. I was talking to my Mum about our experiences of reading books and watching movies, or the theatre. She was saying that she likes reading books because it takes [...]
The other thing that I have been thinking of in terms of psychology lately, is the idea of memento mori. I have heard a few great thinkers say that it is important to ponder on [...]
One thing that I am noticing about the way I operate in the world when I am suffering from psychosis is that I become extremely RISK AVERSE. If the average person's desire to avoid losses [...]
Something about my NDIS support shift this afternoon made me think about how I can engage in professional development in my mental health support work. I want to have a real impact on my client's [...]