2 10, 2022

How (and why) to transform anxiety avoidance

By |2022-10-02T21:05:01+11:00October 2nd, 2022|Mindfulness, Psychology theory|0 Comments

The most interesting thing that I have come to learn about anxiety is that it can be a signal that something transformative has the potential to happen. Anxiety avoidance is understandable. Because the sensation of [...]

18 04, 2020

Thoughts on the impacts of enforced isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic

By |2020-04-18T15:07:39+11:00April 18th, 2020|Mindfulness, Relationships|0 Comments

How are you going? It is an important question to ask during this very unusual and challenging time of the coronavirus pandemic and all the quarantine conditions that we are all subject to at the [...]

11 11, 2018

Social anxiety – are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

By |2023-07-10T21:17:49+11:00November 11th, 2018|Learning and memory, Mindfulness, Psychology theory|0 Comments

Where are you at with your self-development journey? Lately, I have been voraciously consuming all the information I can find on various topics that are relevant to my particular personal concerns. Last night that led [...]

6 10, 2018

Fun mindfulness activities – wine tasting for the senses

By |2018-10-06T17:06:40+11:00October 6th, 2018|Mindfulness|0 Comments

Have you ever heard of the concept of mindfulness being combined with the experience of wine tasting? On Wednesday night I was lucky enough to go along to 'Winefulness - A Mindful Wine Tasting Experience.' [...]

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