How (and why) to transform anxiety avoidance

By | 2022-10-02T21:05:01+11:00 October 2nd, 2022|Mindfulness, Psychology theory|

The most interesting thing that I have come to learn about anxiety is that it can be a signal that something transformative has the potential to happen. Anxiety avoidance is understandable. Because the sensation of [...]

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CBT for maladaptive thought processes

By | 2020-05-05T20:43:25+11:00 May 2nd, 2020|Psychology theory|

This post is about a tried and true psychological therapy approach that I believe can result in big changes in the way that you engage with the world. Or how you feel about it. I [...]

A whole world of the subconscious mind

By | 2019-04-14T22:33:38+11:00 April 14th, 2019|educational psychology, Learning and memory, Psychology theory|

It is a bit spooky to think that there is this whole section of our mind that is separate and hidden from our conscious mind. The subconscious mind works faster and more effectively than the [...]

Social anxiety – are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

By | 2023-07-10T21:17:49+11:00 November 11th, 2018|Learning and memory, Mindfulness, Psychology theory|

Where are you at with your self-development journey? Lately, I have been voraciously consuming all the information I can find on various topics that are relevant to my particular personal concerns. Last night that led [...]