I realised something quite profound today. I was talking to my Mum about our experiences of reading books and watching movies, or the theatre. She was saying that she likes reading books because it takes her out of her troubles and she gets immersed in someone else’s world, and forgets her problems for a while. She said it happens to her even more with movies. And I told her about my friend Angel – and how she loves movies so much for that reason.

I am the same with books. It always feels like such a pleasant escapism. For me, maybe because of the way my brain is wired (or not wired), movies feel more like hard work for me. . . I find it hard to really give myself up to them, but I figure, that is the appeal for everyone with movies!! 🙂

Perhaps it gives us a break from our own minds, our own troubles.

The beauty of a fresh perspective

It was at this point in the conversation that I realised something. . . something about the theatre. . . (which is more of an escape for me, for some reason). I suddenly realised that most of my psychoses have come to a close due to a trip to the theatre (sometimes a movie), or also sometimes due to something Astro can say that will kick me out of it. . . But one of the most RELIABLE cures I have for my psychosis is to go to the theatre. (In the absence of a psychologist with particular insight and skills)

Reliably, sitting in the dark being absorbed in a story for an hour or so, allows me to remove myself from my own consciousness (in the same way that people find with books and movies, I guess). . . then, when I come back to myself when it is done, I get this sense of looking at my thoughts as though they are alien. . . As though I suddenly realise that they are not based in reality. And it is that contrast, that process, that can make a psychosis evaporate for me as quickly as it came.

(It can be an uncomfortable process that happens over a number of hours, or days, but the theatre is often the catalyst).

My mum asked if it would work early on in the psychosis, , , and I said ‘to a point’, but I am finding that four to six weeks is about the sweet spot where a psychologist, a piece of theatre, or something that Astro says can just flip the switch in my mind, , , and the whole ‘other world’ just fades from my consciousness.

How amazing is that?

My mum was so impressed when I told her that. Impressed that I had made that discovery, I suppose. She suggested I do some research to see if other people experiencing psychosis have noticed the same thing!! It would be a great research study don’t you think!?

Imagine if we could use the Arts and culture as ways to help people find their way back to themselves during psychosis!?