So, it seems that my challenge NOW is another process from recovery of ADDICTION. Do you have any behaviours which you consider addictive, but which don’t serve you well?

We all have those sorts of behaviours. Look at the Internet. It is one dopamine rush after another, guiding us to becoming machines. But I am of Gen X, and so, I don’t have too much of an addiction to the Internet (hey, who am I kidding!).

My point is that we all have these addictions which hurt us or don’t serve us well, and sometimes for pure self-preservation they need to be addressed.

I have given up four addictions so far in this world. The first was cigarettes, the second was cannabis, the third was a boy I knew, who I called Turtle, the fourth was coffee and the fifth was alcohol.

Of course ‘giving up’ and addiction might not mean giving it up COMPLETELY. It might just mean breaking the back of the neuro-receptors so that one cup of coffee after breakfast is doable, or one drink with dinner is ENOUGH!

When it is toxic

It is true, that sometimes, one of these substances, people, or things can bring you to your knees, and finally you realise that what really is needed is a period (or an eternity) of no-contact. Natalie Lue talks about this on her blog Baggage Reclaim.

Without whys and wherefores, I would say that the healing of an addiction is a process, and after my 3 – 4 experiences with addiction, I am becoming MORE adept at the process.

The first step, I think, is to plan. And to come to terms with what you are going to lose. To welcome the grief, and to acknowledge that things are going to be different for a while, in some cases, FOREVER.

Sleep on it

My advice to you, before you go all guns blazing to shut down whatever it is that is your addiction is to sleep on it. By all means plan for your termination. Write in your journal, or draft the necessary email and blog posts, but don’t post them until in your heart, you feel strong enough to take the next step and step up for the decision you have made.