I am quite surprised by the strength of the emotions that are bubbling up as I remove myself from my variety of addiction to the internet. It reminds me of when I gave up cigarettes. Almost exactly 10 years ago now. The addiction to nicotine seemed to ‘push down’ a lot of emotion. And I found it being released when I QUIT. Maybe this is a similar scenario on some level.
One of the things that I was worried about with regards to my blogging friendship was what all the little hits of dopamine were doing to my brain. I found some research that said that it is quite effective at shrinking my brain. So, maybe that is why my emotions feel so much more strong after letting go.
Maybe if I wasn’t getting such a horrid psychological and physiological reaction to cutting off my friend I would come to the conclusion that our friendship wasn’t doing me any harm and go back to it. It is the sheer discomfort of the dopamine withdrawal that tells me that it may not have been so healthy for my noggin, or in fact my heart. 🙁
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