the broken violins SCREAMING on that day

MAYBE ASTRO had absolutely nothing to DO with that murderous, rapist CRUD!!

Maybe he just witnessed it (like I heard those broken violin strings, when it was happening)

Maybe he was as FRIGHTED as I was, (except I don’t remember feeling ALL THAT frighted,ed, because I was HIGH as a kite).

I guess I just thought maybe he was involved, because later he said ‘You would do that to meee?!’ – reminded me of some way that I was a bit aggro with some guy in a back of his car.

Did Astro se t the whole thing up? ? ? Maybe N.O.T. . . and myaubue that is why he is moody TODAY!

About the Author:

I am passionate about the capacity of psychological therapy and learning to transform each and every life. No matter where you are in life, you can always get a little closer to the person you want to be. This journey is more fun with friends! DISCLAIMER: All content and media on the Soul Gardening website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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