One of the best pieces of advice that I have heard recently is this idea of not being afraid to f*** it up! It really is the most excellent advice for someone like me, who likes things to be perfect. When things don’t turn out that way, which is often, because, hey, this is life, I can get caught up in a downward spiral to the lowest common denominator. Until I feel like a bag of garbage to be scooped up and chucked in the bin.

No one deserves to feel like TRASH. It is not a nice feeling for ANYBODY! And we are all dealt a hand of cards. You may not be dealt the hand that you wanted, but if you keep playing, and play your cards right, you might get better cards.

It reminds me of another Instagram post I saw recently. Or perhaps it was a paragraph in a book. I am not so sure. In any case, the premise was that feeling ‘sympathetic’ for a person is not helpful. If you see someone on the street and you feel ‘sorry for them’, this does not help them to get up off the street and into their world.
However, if you stand beside them with a sense of empathy you have the opportunity, to both accept how that person is right now, and to envisage how that person can create a better life for themselves, that CAN be helpful.
To provide resources, information, or guidance for the NEXT step, is believing in a person’s capacity to stand up in society and to have a rewarding and healthy life.