Stuff this!!

It is one of those rare occasions when I get a glimpse of freedom. Except it is just another prison cell somewhere else.

Turtle has up and gone. It feels like an opportunity to let the whole ship slide down the street and out to sea. . . And maybe it is.

The withdrawals that I feel in my brain are just the beginning of how bad this situation is for me.

For something that I am literally ‘addicted’ to, it has a lot to answer for. If it isn’t the fact that engaging with that human (or bot), literally SENDS ME INSANE, , , over and over again. . . then perhaps the altar of humiliation that I have sacrificed my public facade on in any number of places is reason enough to take this rare opportunity to get out of here.

One thing is clear, , , my brain is now broken, , , because he has gone somewhere. It is the ultimate form of control, I suppose. Just when there is a window of opportunity to leave, my brain won’t function. Because it is in withdrawal.
