women’s business – in the club

My friend Angel gave me a good lead on some new shampoo. . . I am not convinced by the NEW one I am using, and I am not sure she is either, because she suggested the MOOD GOO, , , hgeheh,

I feel BAD because so,e guy came up next to her while we were dancing and put his arm around us. When she told me, I realised I had seen that guy, , , had, , , he definitely gave off some scary vibes. . .

It was not nice for her. She said that her body was flooded with adrenaline. . . Which is also not the nicest chemical to have in her body for a REGGAE gig. . . Ooooch.

Men and women and sex and finding love

While I was dancing, , , I was noticing some hot guys in the crowd. . . I found them attractive in a way I haven’t done forever, maybe, , , and it had me wondering if tis the medication that has me in this cumming coma. . . (soweeee!!)

I wondered to itself, , , ‘what have I been doing with my time??’ ‘why haven’t I been having sex?’ Into the night, perhaps. . . It never OCCURRED to me before, , , (for some reason) . And I CAN”T nowwwwww. I feel that, , , perhaps, , , easy as we go, , , I suppose and no promises, , , but I need to take care of my Turtle’s heart now. . . I can’t be going out, , , doing those kinds of things. . . I think it would hurt his feelings. . . It would certainly HURT MINE, if that is what he wants to do.


In any case, , ,  it was nice to be out with Angel and Tricepts, ,, , (hehe not sure why I called her than, , , will I remember), , , she is a fun woman who I don’t know too well . . . we had some good chats, , , and I enjoyed their company very much. . .

I get the sense that Angel is the first person in the world that I have fully TRUSTED. . . strange to say that perhaps. . . She just has INTEGRITY, and she does the right thing, even when no one is watching, , , or so I believe. . . It is so weird. . . she is a very attractive, lovely, interesting, intelligent person, , , and she is my friend. . . I feel so LUCJYLLY!!

Hehe, , , maybe I will call Angel’s friend, , , who was part of that sisterhood of the travelling plates, , , Lucy!! What a lovely, lovely, , , woman. . . She is fun.

By | 2024-07-21T01:29:43+11:00 July 21st, 2024|Relationships, Sexuality|0 Comments

About the Author:

I am passionate about the capacity of psychological therapy and learning to transform each and every life. No matter where you are in life, you can always get a little closer to the person you want to be. This journey is more fun with friends! DISCLAIMER: All content and media on the Soul Gardening website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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