we should get together
Blah, blah, blah. I want to become known as someone who is obsessed with adult friendship. I like the idea of focussing on something positive, and a rewarding value to move towards, rather than concentrating [...]
Blah, blah, blah. I want to become known as someone who is obsessed with adult friendship. I like the idea of focussing on something positive, and a rewarding value to move towards, rather than concentrating [...]
It is not my day. I have struggled with my nervous system for most of it. I am grateful for practices such as dancing, lengthening my inhale, brightly scented hand cream and cold water. It [...]
Some therapists believe that the pathway to secure attachment lies in healing of our dysregulated nervous systems. This is the realm of Polyvagal theory. It makes sense to me intellectually. However, engaging in the co-regulating [...]
I am quite surprised by the strength of the emotions that are bubbling up as I remove myself from my variety of addiction to the internet. It reminds me of when I gave up cigarettes. [...]
There is such an interesting core difference to two major approaches to psychological therapy. In the psychodynamic approach, the idea is that a person will develop 'insight' into what is holding them back psychologically. This [...]
It was such an interesting experience to find myself in a losing position in my chess game with my Dad tonight. I was assessing my options, and all I could see, through all the different [...]
Coming home is usually such a growth experience for me. I tend to learn a lot about myself and how I have been impacted by our family dynamic. Hopefully I can carry these lessons with [...]
It is so interesting to learn about male psychology and biology. I am noticing that I perceive men in such a different way as I build this knowledge. I see them 'from their point of [...]
The second thing that came out of the conversation with my psychologist friend today was a bit of professional development. I told her about my woes regarding underwhelming degrees of change in my psychosocial support [...]
I spoke to a psychologist friend of mine today. Two things came out of the conversation. The first is that it is hard on my soul to be 'friends with a psychologist', despite the fact [...]