energising my nervous system
It is not my day. I have struggled with my nervous system for most of it. I am grateful for practices such as dancing, lengthening my inhale, brightly scented hand cream and cold water. It [...]
It is not my day. I have struggled with my nervous system for most of it. I am grateful for practices such as dancing, lengthening my inhale, brightly scented hand cream and cold water. It [...]
Some therapists believe that the pathway to secure attachment lies in healing of our dysregulated nervous systems. This is the realm of Polyvagal theory. It makes sense to me intellectually. However, engaging in the co-regulating [...]
Coming home is usually such a growth experience for me. I tend to learn a lot about myself and how I have been impacted by our family dynamic. Hopefully I can carry these lessons with [...]
I find it very interesting that often when a particular long-term love interest finds its way back into my life I start reaching for my toy rabbit to cuddle. It is such an intuitive response [...]
It is a bit spooky to think that there is this whole section of our mind that is separate and hidden from our conscious mind. The subconscious mind works faster and more effectively than the [...]
One of the best pieces of advice that I have heard recently is this idea of not being afraid to f*** it up! It really is the most excellent advice for someone like me, who [...]