3 10, 2024

break, nother fook

By |2024-10-05T16:56:41+11:00October 3rd, 2024|Relationships|0 Comments

Like a billiard table. Every time I put something out into this sphere, the energy shifts, and changes. One ball bouncing off another. And the blessed (but unfortunate) way that expressing emotions takes away their [...]

9 11, 2023

Winnicott transitional object in adult life

By |2023-11-09T22:08:20+11:00November 9th, 2023|educational psychology, Relationships|0 Comments

I find it very interesting that often when a particular long-term love interest finds its way back into my life I start reaching for my toy rabbit to cuddle. It is such an intuitive response [...]

19 09, 2023

The capacity to roar – further reflections on this communication connection

By |2023-09-19T21:51:47+11:00September 19th, 2023|Personal journal, Relationships|0 Comments

It is so strange to reflect on what this relatively new internet communication connection is doing to my psychology. Today I am noticing that I am actually becoming angry if I perceive that someone is [...]

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