A fly in the ointment – real-life
Have you ever considered the way that social media (or any form of social interaction) on the interweb impacts your real-world social life? I Googled 'social media is making us antisocial' (or a near variant) [...]
Have you ever considered the way that social media (or any form of social interaction) on the interweb impacts your real-world social life? I Googled 'social media is making us antisocial' (or a near variant) [...]
Are you feeling sad today? I can empathise. I have been feeling sad lately too. Someone who had made me feel like they cared for me, left me suddenly and I have had feeling sad [...]
Do you ever have one of those crappy days when things go pear-shaped for whatever reason, and you are left in psychological pain? We all have those kinds of days sometimes. It is a part [...]
Have you ever had the experience of someone pushing past you in the street, and them saying 'sorry', as they push past? Or have you ever experienced a situation in the world where someone needed [...]
How are you going? It is an important question to ask during this very unusual and challenging time of the coronavirus pandemic and all the quarantine conditions that we are all subject to at the [...]
I think it is true that the time we waste on people who don't even like us, much less feel romantically interested in us, could be so much better spent on real life relationships that [...]
Really interesting article today in the Wall Street Journal: 'The Math Behind Successful Relationships' regarding a study by psychologist John Gottman and mathematician James Murray. I have read about this research previously. It is an [...]