So, this is my problem, , , or part of it

This is how it goes, I suppose. . . this is how the weakness sets in. . . When you be vulnerable with someone, , , and then, , ,

I guess it is fine that some guy is out with other people tonight. . . what did I expect, exaclt.y. . . ? That is where I SHOULD be right, , , out living my life. . . it has become progressively smaller since I let Ger into my life, , , and now, , ,

Now, I am frightened to leave my house. . . so. . . great. . . Melbourne becomes his, , , perhaps.

I don’t even know what I am doing, and this writing that I do is a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, , , it is rubbish.

It is impossible for me to see beyond the next ten minutes, , , I don’t know why. . . I can’t imagine a time that Ger is going to come back, , , and I no longer want him to.

By | 2024-07-17T21:32:25+11:00 July 17th, 2024|Personal journal|0 Comments

About the Author:

I am passionate about the capacity of psychological therapy and learning to transform each and every life. No matter where you are in life, you can always get a little closer to the person you want to be. This journey is more fun with friends! DISCLAIMER: All content and media on the Soul Gardening website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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