
18 06, 2023

Cognitive training for schizophrenia-induced cognitive deficits

By |2023-06-18T18:04:39+11:00June 18th, 2023|Learning and memory, Mental illness|0 Comments

Sometimes it feels like I am stuck in a bit of a cognitive cage. The idea of putting thoughts into words for a blog article feels like some kind of Herculean effort. Nonetheless, I want [...]

2 10, 2022

How (and why) to transform anxiety avoidance

By |2022-10-02T21:05:01+11:00October 2nd, 2022|Mindfulness, Psychology theory|0 Comments

The most interesting thing that I have come to learn about anxiety is that it can be a signal that something transformative has the potential to happen. Anxiety avoidance is understandable. Because the sensation of [...]

31 03, 2021

The harsh reality of mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms

By |2023-08-31T17:21:21+11:00March 31st, 2021|Mental illness, Pharmacology|7 Comments

The worst part about anti-depressant withdrawal (in this case withdrawal from mirtazapine), is the fact that it can feel like we need to put our lives on hold for months, sometimes years, before we are [...]

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